By now, I have been hit by hundreds, perhaps thousands of inquiries, security attacks, personal searches on google, thus my identity is a commodity. My name is Mario Hurley and the best way to summarize what that means is by a suspenseful story.

The The Crime That Didn’t Happen

It started with a child who had no name, family or backstory. Naturally, like any survivor, the child make up his own story, which he modified depending on the circumstances and the advantages he would gain. If he had no money, he told people the story of how he lost everything (which he did) and had no food (which he didn’t) and those that listened would help. Let’s call this boy, David. David, then grew up, and forgot his origin story, to also forget that his mother died and that he in fact was an orphan who had no one to rely on. He also forgot that he was 10-years old and that school, showers, daily food, and the shelter of a family were important benefits to have. In effect, this story is about someone who faced multiple drastic changes and subconsciously, he chose to have a short attention span for past memories and a clever mind for survival skills. Soon, this child became a man, then a father, then a mentor himself. All the events that influenced his behavior and overall perspective on live, namely, hell on earth, were shed away. As one that lived each moment of his life, he decided that he wanted to share the nuggets he gained from his personal experience. David (aka, Mario) said to himself, “I can be a trainer, and perhaps help others skip some of the suffering they all go through due to lack of guidance and understanding?” It’s worth noting that your protagonist’s analysis on life is both pragmatic and enlightened. Life is what you make it, but if you have no awareness of your own mechanism as a human being, you are toast. And the story of the orphan in the world ends with the beginning of a man who became what he coined a “Life Trainer.” As such, he has the mission to be the start of a global shift on the planet. Here’s the shift he purports: One where life on earth is no longer about surviving, winning and losing, of those of abundance and those of lacks, of suffering, destruction and lovelenessness. Instead, it becomes a world of kindness, support, unity, community, and the realization of possibilities for every individual.

The end/The Beginning

Why Have a Mission of Such Caliber

Now, that you got the summary, I can tell you that there is more that you can accomplish regardless of who you are and where you came from, but you must understand what no one told you about you. Imagine waking up from your good night sleep and waking up on the captain’s set of a 747 flying thousands of miles above ground with full of passengers? That’s you, a being with boundless potential and power without a manual. What chance do you have in that 747 or in life, if you haven’t mastered the art of being a captain? I am here to inform you that there is a manual and it does answer all your questions. This applies to you and the billions of people who are born into the existing word that challenges you and places you in the middle of the action and you simply “figure it out” as you go. Again, chances of you getting hurt art high, hence the suffering going on in the world. This is why people have resorted to escapism, religion, and motivational messages. It’s our way of seeking the answers, and perhaps in some cases you gained some clues. Yet, I assert that the condition in which we are in is simply broken. It’s not bad, and it’s not that it can be better, it is in fact malfunctioning. It does not work for all of us to live in ONE planet and have some live in comfort, with love, support, security and resources, while others experience physical and psychological harm without respite. It also doesn’t work that we live in a world of those who have the knowledge, the access, the resources, and the guidance to thrive while others are technically and inevitably set to fail before they even start. I say, this is the symptoms of a faulty system, society, government, belief system, of an entire paradigm. And, I say, it is up to ME to begin the restoration of world that works, lives that work, and nature that works.

If you get this message, you are part of the ripple effect.

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